Still Crazy After All These Years

It’s official. I’m a senior citizen – 65 years old. How the hell did that happen?

Evidentlyimage001, I’m not the only senior so let’s talk practicalities. In my head, I’m still in my forties – capable in everyday life, adept at certain skills, good at my job, no major health problems, plenty of energy. In reality, I retired early, quitting in a blaze of glory, as in “talk to the hand.” Now I get to kvetch about whatever I want. Becoming a senior citizen is one of those things, not because I just got there but because of the attitude of anyone younger than 40-ish. Here are some things to ponder. Continue reading

Trying Again

pexels-photo-450301.jpegIf you’re reading this post, yipee! I assume it means the site is working I hope you can also read my “Getting to Know Me” page to see what this blog is all about. If the links work. please send me a quick note or word to let me know that the pain in the ass, technical details are finally doing what they’re supposed to do.